Perhaps it’s a fan of Barry Bonds

All last summer, I managed to keep my zucchinis harvested before they got oversized and crazy. I checked diligently, once, sometimes twice a day, and made sure to take them off the plant as soon as the blossoms at the end started to liquefy and drop off.

Foot-long zucchiniThis year, I have been less diligent, but so far, had been all manner of lucky.

Until now.

Just last night, I wandered out to check my zucchini plants, which had yielded up a few darling young zukes earlier in the season, but had been strangely barren for awhile, and still didn’t find anything.

Then I thought I should look again, maybe closer to the ground. And there, ladies and gentleman, hiding in the shadow of the plant’s leaves, was my first official foot-long zucchini. I recognize it could have been bigger, but compared to the wee ones I’ve picked for a couple of years, it’s tremendous. It could have been a contender for baseball bat status, for sure, if I hadn’t caught it in time.

I’m still developing a plan for its use. I’m a fan of zucchini bread and chocolate zucchini cake, of course, but I’m thinking this one is destined for stuffing.

14 Responses to “Perhaps it’s a fan of Barry Bonds”

  1. 1 Carol August 10, 2007 at 7:59 pm

    Congratulations, and welcome to the “club”. Some people actually think zucchini shouldn’t be harvested until it is at least a foot long!

  2. 2 kate August 10, 2007 at 8:58 pm

    Now that’s just cool. Way to go, Genie! I’m glad that your zucchini is growing so well. I love zucchini bread … am waiting for my older sis’ zucchini in the fall. I usually shred and freeze bags and bags of it and make bread and muffins all winter long.

  3. 3 Meagan August 10, 2007 at 9:09 pm

    Wow! I just came across a recipe for grilled zucchini pizza that you might want to try with this monster. You slice the zucchini up, grill it, then top it with sauce, cheese and your favorite extras, heat a bit longer and voila! – no dough necessary, and super tasty.

    BTW, I’ve been reading your blog for a while now, and love your humor and insight. Thanks for a great read!

  4. 4 inadvertentgardener August 10, 2007 at 9:30 pm

    Carol, “club”…I love it! No pun intended, of course. :-)

    Kate, I have never thought about shredding and freezing it — that’s a really interesting idea…

    Meagan, do you have a link for the recipe? It sounds really, really yummy! Thanks for the kind comments, too — so glad you’re enjoying the blog. :-)

  5. 5 Libby August 10, 2007 at 9:37 pm

    Hmmm…. I really should remember to plant some zucchini next year when I attempt to put in a “real” garden (the beds along the house that used to hold flowers are doing fine for my first year, but I’m already thinking bigger.)

    I’m a fan of chocolate zucchini bread so I’ll have to remember to pick some up tomorrow morning at the IC Farmer’s Market.

  6. 6 inadvertentgardener August 10, 2007 at 9:43 pm

    Libby, you know, I don’t know that I’ve actually ever tried chocolate zucchini bread. But…since I’m going to the Fair tomorrow, I’m not going to stop at the market in the morning…I have big plans for my calorie expenditure, but I’m saving it all up for later in the day!

  7. 7 Robin (Bumblebee) August 10, 2007 at 11:09 pm

    My husband is always so very impressed when I wheel in a foot-long zucchini. “Whoa. That’s amazing. Congratulations!!!!” Like I did something to be proud of. Silly man…

    –Robin (Bumblebee)

  8. 8 steven August 11, 2007 at 8:47 am

    I love finding those ginormous zucchinis. Have fun at the Fair, but beware of roving Presidential Candidates.

  9. 9 inadvertentgardener August 11, 2007 at 9:56 am

    Robin, yes…I mean, it’s interesting and all, but not prizeworthy when it comes to cooking it!

    Steven, I will watch for those candidates, for sure. Planning to scope for hand-shaking baby kissers!

  10. 10 Meagan August 11, 2007 at 1:12 pm

    Here’s the link for the Grilled Zucchini Pizza. I have some more links to zucchini recipes over at my blog, if you’re interested.

  11. 11 cole August 11, 2007 at 7:18 pm

    I love in Barbara Kingsolvers book Animal Vegetable Miracle that farmers call the ones that get HUGE….Heavers, as in you heave them over the fence to let the wild critters eat them because who in their right mind could eat a 3 foot zuch?

    quick joke from PHC on NPR,

    Why do lutherans lock their car doors when they go to church?

    Because they are afraid someone might but some squash in the front seat.


  12. 12 jenjen August 11, 2007 at 9:33 pm

    I have been letting my zucchini get big this summer because I found the best way to cook them ever!
    Zuke fries! OMG. I have never been a big fan of zukes but holy cow I cant quit eating these. You gotta have a big zuke, put it on the mandolin and juliene it to about the size of mcdonalds fries. deep fry and then salt with garlic flavored sea salt. crisp buttery deliciousness. the garlic sea salt also rocks on tomatoes.

  13. 13 inadvertentgardener August 11, 2007 at 10:53 pm

    Meagan, thanks for the link — I’m definitely going to check that out, as well as your recipes. Thanks!

    Cole, I’ve heard so many variations of that joke since moving to Iowa, but somehow never heard it before…funny! And that Kingsolver book is on my coffee table — it’s coming shortly in the rotation…

    Jenjen, that sounds so delicious!

  1. 1 The winner « The Inadvertent Gardener Trackback on August 16, 2007 at 7:20 pm

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